eCurrencies: | Thoughts on DXinOne's Newest Releases
Q. The current credit card and other payment gateway options protect
the consumer, and their system seem to protect the merchant, i.e. - once
money is transferred you can get no refund unless the merchant agree to
it. So consumer acceptance would be a road block. Q. Someone also mentioned that with the speed money is being exchanged out of the system, a merchant may not want to wait that long to get his money, as supposed to other options like PayPal. LeRoy: Merchants may not feel the need to take money out of the
DX system quickly in the future. There could be several reasons for this.
One reason would be if the merchant is able to spend DXG for shopping
or if the merchants suppliers accept DXG and if their suppliers
accept DXG. An idea which is unrelated to the first part of this answer
is that, as (or maybe I should say if) DXG gains widespread
acceptance, the movement of funds into and out from DX will naturally
become more fluid. LeRoy: DXG offers security advantages over the predominant options
of today, e.g. credit card accts, PayPal. Todays options lack security
not only in hackability, but also in terms of fraud and reversing charges.
I guess this is more closely related to your first point than to your
second. I believe that we are seeing only the tip of the DX iceberg. It is interesting for me also to note the parallel shifts occurring in the field of eCurrency and the market in general. |