
What do we know about pecunix?


Pecunix has by far the most complex sign-up procedure of all the DX In One accepted currencies. When signing up for Pecunix, we strongly recommend that you pay close attention to your passwords. You will be given several pieces of data including a sixteen digit number called your PIK. Do not misplace this PIK number. This is your Private Identification Key.

The exact governmental structure of the Pecunix Currency is displayed on the chart below. It is more complex than other ecurrencies and can be explored on the Pecunix website



Pecunix has legally protected their ecurrency from encumbrances, liens and liabilities-  with a three party system. This keeps the Pecunix ebullion safe for clients and users.

The Pecunix Foundation exists solely for the purpose of holding the Pecunix bullion without encumbrance or lien for the exclusive benefit of Pecunix account holders. The councillors of the Pecunix Foundation can be found on the Pecunix website.

Zero Storage Fees:

Many Gold-backed ecurrencies will charge you two kinds of fees for using their service. Pecunix has a different type payment fee structure that makes it extremely cost effective.

The two types of fees you will normally incur with a gold-backed currency are 1) a flat storage fee and 2) an additional percentage fee. Pecunix has decided to build the storage fee directly into the transaction fee which give people a financial advantage. Essentially when you buy Pecunix you will keep more money than when you buy other types of Gold-backed electronic currency. For more information on the Pecunix fee strucuture visit the pecunix website. We will keep you updated on our ongoing experience with Pecunix and their services!

- Russell


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